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23 Jan 2024

How to remove teeth stains

We all want whiter teeth, not only for the aesthetic benefits but because whiter teeth mean better oral hygiene and health. The increased awareness of the benefits of whiter teeth has made the oral healthcare market lucrative, having a worth of over £1 billion, but teeth whitening wasn't popular until the late 1980s.

More people trying to make their teeth whiter is good, but many people who are only concerned about its aesthetic benefits opt for harmful teeth whitening from non-dental professionals. These teeth whitening option causes more harm to the teeth, leading to different dental issues, including permanent teeth sensitivity.

Before being obsessed with teeth whitening, you need to understand that brown stains on the teeth are normal and occur for several reasons, including habits like inadequate brushing, smoking, and taking different drinks and foods.  

What can discolour the teeth?

Two types of teeth staining affect people. They include extrinsic stains affecting only outside the teeth and intrinsic stains affecting within the teeth. Understanding the type of staining you have, the reason for staining, and how to remove the stains is important.

  • Extrinsic stains

    Extrinsic stains occur in the hard outer layer of the teeth, called enamel. When the enamel is discoloured, a yellowish tint becomes noticeable. The enamel is more susceptible to staining, so many people have yellow teeth.

    The stains on the enamel are not permanent, and you can undergo teeth whitening or professional teeth cleaning to reverse the staining. However, avoid home remedies because most are abrasive and scratch the enamel, increasing the susceptibility to staining.

    You can develop extrinsic teeth stains from your lifestyle and routine. For example, people who drink red wine, teas, and coffee, eat dark-coloured foods and smoke are more likely to have yellow teeth. You can determine what can stain your enamel with a simple trick. Whatever can stain your teeth will do the same to your teeth.

    Dark-coloured foods such as balsamic dressing, beetroot, turmeric, and blueberries can affect your teeth. However, you can prevent teeth staining with proper care, like a tailored oral hygiene routine and frequent visits to the hygienist.

  • Intrinsic stains

    Intrinsic stains are more difficult to reverse, and they usually affect the inner teeth layer called dentin. Common causes of intrinsic teeth staining are treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, especially when they are carried out on the neck and head areas.  

    Medications such as doxycycline and tetracycline can leave brown and dark grey stains on the teeth. Conditions like dry mouth, characterised by lack of saliva, affect the natural mouth cleansing process, increasing the risk of staining, gum disease, and dental decay.  

    Discolouration can also occur from trauma to the permanent teeth. Constant exposure to fluorides such as fluoride in drinking water and inherited conditions may cause intrinsic staining.

Other causes of teeth staining

Ageing is often a primary cause of teeth yellowing because ageing causes loss of enamel density, leaving the teeth transparent. A transparent enamel allows the dentin to be visible, and the dentin is yellow, making your teeth appear coloured.  

Other common causes of staining are issues like years of eating certain foods and smoking, cracks or chips in the teeth.

Treatment for teeth discolouration

An effective way to reverse teeth staining is attending regular hygienist and dentist appointments. Ensure you visit your dentist at least once every year and your hygienist twice yearly to keep your smile bright.

For already stained teeth, you can undergo professional stain removal. Professional stain removal gives better results within a short period.

Airflow is a new technique that combines air, fine powder, and water to remove biofilm, calculus, and surface stains gently and quickly. After a routine dental hygienist appointment, you can undergo this procedure, and it takes only a few minutes.

If improving your teeth' colour is your aim, teeth whitening treatment is available. Teeth whitening options include in-surgery treatments that require about one hour and home teeth whitening treatments that can gradually whiten your teeth within two weeks.

Home teeth whitening is a good investment for your oral health. You can keep the custom-made whitening trays and top up your whitening at intervals with the professionally formulated whitening gel.  

You can book an appointment here for your professional stain removal or teeth whitening. Call 020 3137 5055 to see our experienced dental hygienist.