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Periodontal Treatments
Periodontal Treatments


Gum disease is common in a lot of people, and the downside of having gum disease is that it could go unnoticed because it doesn’t cause pain. You could inherit gum disease from either or both your parents because the disease is also genetic.

Periodontal disease assessment

For a periodontal assessment, your dentist will check your mouth to know how severe the disease is. The dentist will take measurements from six points on each of your tooth. This helps to see the amount of bone loss.

You have a significant role to play in your periodontal disease treatment because you have to reduce the bacterial load in your mouth.

In the early stage of periodontal disease treatment, your dentist will scale your teeth and carry out a root surface debridement. A root surface debridement involves removing tartar and plaque in your tooth pockets, then smoothing the surface of your tooth root.

Most times, root surface debridement, scaling, and proper teeth cleaning every day is sufficient to treat the disease and make the teeth healthy again. Your dentist will create an oral health regime to suit your need and also advise on the right mouth cleaning products for every stage of your treatment.

If the periodontal disease is at the advanced stage, you may need surgery to remove the tartar from the pockets around your teeth, shrink the pockets, smoothen the surfaces around the root of the affected teeth, and finally, re-arrange your gum tissues.

Your periodontal treatment may require two or four visits which are usually within two weeks. An appointment will be for about 60 – 90 minutes depending on the number of affected teeth and if you need a local anaesthetic.

You need your dentist to remove the tartar and plaque for the healing process to commence, so visit Dental Hygienist London at Flat 1, 70 Great Russell St. Holborn, London WCIB 3BN. Alternatively, call us on 020 31375055 to book an appointment with us for your periodontal disease treatment.