Special offer checkups £45.50 (half price) available Tuesday and Thursday only. Until the 19th of May.


Preventive and Oral Health Treatment

Preventive dentistry can ensure that you have a clean and healthy mouth doing away with the need for frequent dental treatment. The two main causes of tooth loss include gum disease and oral decay. If you can avoid or manage these problems, you will have a better chance of keeping your teeth for life. Our dental team works together with patients to prevent problems or spot them early. Our dentist will suggest a suitable treatment plan to keep your mouth healthy, and then work on a suitable plan to keep them protected.

Advantages of Preventive Dentistry

Your oral health is linked to your overall health and preventive dentistry plays an important role in your overall well-being. Oral diseases may interfere with what you want to eat, with speaking, self-esteem and other activities.

For children, tooth decay might even affect their growth and development. With the help of preventive dentistry, it can mean less extensive treatment for any dental conditions that develop and will help you to keep your natural teeth for life.

Procedure for Preventative Dental Care

Your dentist will assess the condition of your teeth and gums and then discuss the treatment that needs to be done. The objective is to help you maintain a clean and healthy mouth with excellent dental hygiene. There will also be fewer chances for tooth decay or gum disease.

The dental hygienist will thoroughly ‘scale and polish’ your teeth. After this, you will be shown the right way to brush and clean in between your teeth with inter dental brushes or floss daily to get rid of bacterial ‘plaque’ that forms constantly, on your teeth. When you are eating or drinking sugary foods and drinks, the bacteria in the plaque will turn sugar into acid which leads to tooth decay. Plaque may even give rise to gum inflammation when it is not removed regularly. The tartar or calculus that accumulates on the teeth also starts off as plaque.

You will be asked to use only good quality oral care products. The hygienist will discuss your diet and other habits such as drinking and smoking. Your dentist will ensure that all your fillings are in good condition and there are no rough edges to make cleaning difficult.

You do not have to wait until you have an obvious sign of dental disease before you visit your dentist. Visit Dental Hygienist London at Flat 1, 70 Great Russell St. Holborn, London WCIB 3BN today or call us now on 020 31375055 to book an appointment for your preventive oral health treatment.

Some FAQs on Preventive Dental Care

Preventative care consists of various things such as oral examinations, conducting X-rays and mouth cleanings because these are some essential steps in the prevention of costly dental problems, and can be covered by any dental plan,

Routine preventive dental examinations offer several benefits: It helps to lessen the risk of developing gum disease, tooth decay and other serious oral problems. It can also promote improved dental hygiene habits such as brushing teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily to stay protected.

Food and drinks that have sugar in them can lead to tooth decay. If you reduce the intake of sugary drinks and snacks, this will help a lot. Foods such as – vegetables, fruits, cheese and nuts are better for your teeth. You can include a diet that is rich in vegetables, minerals and fruits to protect from mouth cancer and avoid gum disease.

The biting surface of the teeth can be protected with the application of sealants. The sealants can make your tooth surface smoother so that it is easy to clean and can prevent decay in those hard-to-reach areas. Your hygienist and dentist will tell you if this is the right option for you. For more information, visit our website and get advice on pit and fissure sealants.

Dental erosion is the loss of enamel that occurs due to acid attack. If the tooth enamel gets worn away it may cause extreme pain and sensitivity. Foods and drinks that have acid in them such as citrus fruits, smoothies, fruit juice, fizzy drinks and fruit teas might be the reason for dental erosion.

Some acidic foods and drinks might cause harm when you take them in large amounts. Try to limit acidic foods and drinks during mealtimes only and drink acidic drinks with a straw.

It is advisable not brush teeth for at least one hour after eating or drinking anything. This is because when you eat or drink, the teeth enamel becomes soft for some time and loses a part of its mineral content. We would recommend you wait for an hour or so for the saliva to restore the natural balance.